Canon RF 35mm f/1.2L USM Confirmed for 2024

  • We've officially confirmed the arrival of the Canon RF 35mm f/1.2L USM in the first half of 2024. Despite previous uncertainties, we're as confident about this as we can be. The ongoing debate on whether it would be f/1.2 or f/1.4 has been settled—it's going to be f/1.2. While the practical difference might not be significant in real-world shooting, it's a boon for the marketing team.

    Although we don't have specific specifications yet, we're eager to put any lingering doubts to rest. There have been several optical designs for the RF 35mm f/1.2L USM in recent patents, with one notable example:

    Canon RF 35mm f/1.2L USM

    • Focal length: 34.00mm
    • F-number: 1.24
    • Half angle of view: 32.47°
    • Image height: 21.64mm
    • Lens total length: 154.96mm
    • BF: 17.05mm

    No information has surfaced regarding the possible arrival of a fast L RF 24mm or RF 28mm.

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